Rolling Door Protector (RDP)
Fork truck impacts at or near the head of a coiling door can cause considerable costly damage, create the potential for personnel injuries and render the door inoperable. Impact damage is an even greater concern with coiling fire doors, which may not be able to react in an emergency, resulting in the catastrophic loss of property and life.
Our RDP eliminates fork truck damage to coiling doors by creating a safety yellow barrier that can absorb impacts across the head of the door. When an impact occurs, the RDP:
• Flexes to absorb the brunt of the impact
• Transfers impact force across its length
• Automatically returns to original position
• Can be quickly replaced in severe situation
This minimizes the risks rolling door impacts can create for life safety, property, productivity and your operating budget.
Contact us for additional information and for pricing or contact your local dealer.
RDP Video